Sunday, April 27, 2008



A number of years ago my wife and I flew to Bermuda to relax at a former estate, located on six acres of landscaped gardens overlooking Ely's Harbour, that had been converted to a family-style resort by a Christian trust. Morning devotions are held in a lounge and grace is said before meals which are announced by an ancient ship's bell and served family style. Willowbank is simply a serene and restful alternative to the glitzy resorts, with wonderful views and marvelous beaches nonetheless.

After each morning’s devotional service, I snorkeled at either of the two private beaches and learned much about the beautiful underworld of fish, coral, and other aquatic habitats. To watch octopus hide from you or watch the beds of lobster retreat into their holes of safety was interesting to me. To view the angel fish, sergeant majors, parrot fish make their presence known in their territories was beyond anything I had seen before, because I was raised in the interior of the states and never spent any time in the ocean. Because of this I was very interested in all the new fish or water life I spent the evenings researching all I could on them.

On the second day of underwater diving I began to notice what looked like large ant hills in the sandy areas where there was no grass or growth. I asked my diving friend what it was and he was not sure. So I talked to one of the locals who worked at this famed place.

To my surprise, these were dwellings for a type of glow worm or fire worm that only appears for 3 nights after a full moon from June to September. We happen to be there at the right time of the year.

That very night was the night for the happening so some other guests joined us at an elevated pier to watch this unique event. These worms have an amazing life with an even more amazing bio-rhythmic accuracy. On the third night after the full moon, at exactly 56 minutes after sunset, the show begins. The female worm, looking like a one-inch glow stick, lights up green using a bio-luminescent process and comes to the surface. There she swims in a circle leaving behind a clouded ring of glowing eggs. Seeing this, the male, looking like a one-inch flashing glow stick missile, zooms up from the bottom of the ocean spreads around a bit of glowing substance to fertilize the eggs. Then they both die. The whole show lasted for ten minutes and would’t happen again for a lunar month.

They both give up life to produce life for their offspring.

Jesus Christ, the light of the world, came that we might have life. What a life He gives.

In him was life; and the life was the light of men.--John 1:4

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